
Have you ever had a conversation with your girls about your crush and realised that they know whom you’re talking about but they are just too nice to tell You? It’s funny how you think that you’re going to reveal a huge secret but then to your dismay your friends say “we knew it already” with that smug smile on their face and those devil horns on their head. And suddenly everything is so funny that you can’t help but laugh at yourself; not the pity laugh though. You actually laugh. Because you thought you were mysterious when in reality you were very predictable.

The moment Jessica and I told each other that we liked the same guy we bursted out laughing and it’s all because of the third party, the queen of bad ideas “Alva”. Well actually she almost made me cry by reciting a very love sick quote which was meant for Jessica to hear but Jessica being Jessica “the most distracted person on this planet” did not hear a single word and I, heard every single word!!! So now I’m staring at Alva imagining murdering her while she just laughs and tries to explain the situation to a lost Jessica. Then, to change the topic these genious girls start talking about what we have in common and Jessica says “We have so much in common dude, we like the same guy.” I’m stunned and embarrassed at the same time.

After a few moments of silence we laugh like maniacs and Alva goes “look at y’all laughing at yourself instead of ripping each other’s hair off!!” At that we laugh harder because both Jessica and I are afraid of that exact thing! We’d be the first ones to back out no matter what! Now since we decoded all the code names we laugh at the possibility of kimaya and priti cat fighting because apparently they like Rehan too and they are all about competing. Imagine this scene, seven girls and one guy. Out of these seven girls, two back out because they love their hair. All the best to the rest of the frenimies and Rehan. The funny part here is that now that we think about it, we’re cringing at ourselves because we’re such fangirls!! And Alva does not leave any opportunity to make us realise how cringy we’ve been. Especially I.

While we are discussing how pathetic Jessica and I are; I realised how stupid I’ve been acting. I’ve been thinking only about myself ever since Rehan found out about my crush and for that I feel sad. I’ve always wanted a friend like him and now that I finally have him I’m giving him up because I caught feelings for him?! I don’t know for what noble joy I was embarrassed but one thing I know now is how oblivious I was towards Rehan. I forgot that Rehan has feelings too and somewhere in this unnecessary drama I was hurting him. I mean blocking him to avoid any sort of contact IS utter stupidity.

Whenever I need him, he’s always there for me. He always helps me and cheers me up by making out with dirty walls and dropping his phone. How could I just decide to shut him out! How could I just push him away like that! I should think about him too and how bad he’d feel. Losing friends is what everybody hates and we all know how it feels yet, here I am, breaking my friendship with him as if it meant nothing. This isn’t fair to him. And I know I’m not that selfish. So no, I won’t break our wonderful friendship. I can’t lose someone like him. I mean, we all need someone who reminds us of our ape ancestors right?

Bros always come before hoes. And I’m talking gender equality here. Even though your bro is actually your desired hoe, you need to and you must choose “bro” because in the end that is what matters. And honestly, I think I’m meant to be with Harry Styles instead of an ordinary guy. What can I say? I’m special ya know! I know some crushes are unforgettable but that doesn’t mean I won’t find someone else. I’ve got my whole life left to find my Mr.Right even though I believe that I can die at any moment now, which may be more or less true. But remember, do not laugh too much and do not share too much. It’s easy to make fun yourself but it’s never ever funny.

Perhaps someday these words will make up for the bloodshot eyes and sleepless nights.

Perhaps someday someone will sing midnight lullabies while holding me tight.

While I bid the world goodbye.

Pretty Princess

Hey pretty princess, why do you cry?
For your love was never meant to be and so was the goodbye. Don’t try to match the symphony the strings are too fragile, that heart once filled with love weighs with tears no more docile. But don’t you dare shed any, keep up with your disguise. Don’t let them see the hurt building up your dirty vice.

Those beautiful brown crystals never caught you in their vision, that selenophibic bastard did not know what he was missin’. But have no fear princess the moon was never your ambition, stars shine way brighter and that should be your mission. If he misses the starlight then don’t accuse him or send him to prison, it was all your fault for burning too bright, now destroy your inhibition.

Hey pretty princess, don’t worry if he can’t see your soul waiting for him, battling those demons alone, what’s the point of having a knight who can’t even handle a stone? Yet you crave his touch even though the pain that comes with it feels like breaking a bone. Oh but wait when he decisively stole your heart your rib-cage broke, so this feeling is already well-known.

Although it was never meant to be yet your dignity was sold while his mouth recites the parady and the truth remained untold. Bliss it was once, the fantasy of him as he cafunès you in his dangerous hold, feeling like the most fortunate girl you wrote him an ode. Burst out of that bubble princess this shit is getting old! Look! He’s with another girl, much more beautiful and bold.

Oh pretty princess its okay you will, one day, find your Mr.Right.
Just don’t keep your hopes high, though I’d suggest candies are better than guys. Nothing lasts forever, your pain will diminish along with the criticise,
Next time, tell your heart to fall for someone real and not an imbecile.